Tobermory Hebridean Gin is a standout gin from the Isle of Mull, Scotland, created by the Tobermory Distillery, known primarily for its whisky production. This gin blends tradition with local ingredients, including heather, elderflower, and Hebridean tea, offering a true taste of the Scottish islands.
Nose: It opens with fresh citrus, particularly lemon, mingling with sweet juniper and subtle hints of coriander and spice. There's a touch of malty warmth that nods to its whisky heritage.
Palate: On the palate, it has a rich, creamy mouthfeel. The flavours include a balance of sweet lemon-infused rosehip and the tartness of rowan berries, underlined by floral notes from heather and a warming ginger spice.
Finish: The finish is long and smooth, with lingering notes of lemon, rowan berry, and a gentle hint of ginger spice, leaving a satisfying herbal and sweet aftertaste.
This gin's unique character is enhanced by a splash of Tobermory's new-make spirit, adding depth and a slight maltiness. It's ideal for a refreshing G&T or cocktails like the Tobermory Mule