Translated from French, L’alcool simply means alcohol, but for us, it signifies a transformation in the way we perceive and enjoy what we drink.

The French are renowned for their passion, elegance, and above all, their romantic sensibility. It is this very essence that L’alcool embraces, crafting a unique narrative in the world of liquor retailing. We believe that the choices we make in our wine, beer and spirits can be as captivating as a moonlit stroll along the Seine River.

It should come as no surprise that L’alcool’s owner and founder, Richard Poole, is genetically predisposed towards liquor retailing. Richard comes from a family of liquor retailers, and his reputation for curating a collection of fine wines, craft beers, and artisanal spirits is second to none.

It’s this dedication that inspired Richard to launch L’alcool, a liquor store with a difference. Here you’ll find an impressively growing collection, and an eager team ready to impart their knowledge to inspire you to choose well. 

We believe that the quality of what we consume shapes our experiences, and we want to redefine those experiences for the better. 

Our curated selection reflects the rich diversity of local and international wine, craft beer and spirits, each bottle telling a story of craftsmanship, tradition, and allure.

With over 50 years of collective knowledge in the liquor business, L’alcool’s staff have an unparalleled knowledge of the collection that adorns the shelves.

When you visit our store, you’ll find friendly and knowledgeable staff that will help you navigate your way through our carefully selected collection of fine wines, craft beer, artisanal spirits, and liqueurs that embody the artistry of their craft. From the vineyards of Bordeaux to the distilleries of Scotland, L’alcool brings the world of crafted alcohol to your fingertips.

Where every bottle tells a story, and every sip is a step towards a more refined and romantic way of enjoying life.

Cheers to choosing better, living better, and embracing the spirit of L’alcool.

Swirl | Sip | Savour